
Have you make a mistake before??
As I know,everybody does..
But did your fellow friends,
beloved family, and the person
whom you've make mistake on him
before, did they forgive you??
Or they just simply say :"I forgive you.."
But in their heart they still will
say:"I'll never forgive you!!"
Who knows??
And this situation is now happened
on me..
But who can help me???
Really Hopeless~
I really feel depression, that why my right to choose
against my future partner often been scramble..
When I choose to break up with the person that I feel
not suitable for me, is that my fault??
And when I've chosen a Mr.Right and wish to
be together with him, is also my fault??
I really feel very very confused and depression,
but, who knows about it?? >_<


